
Greenhouse at Bigelow Laboratory from the outside.

Bigelow Laboratory is a non-profit research laboratory committed to enabling advances in science, commercialization and workforce development. For nearly 40 years the National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota, the flywheel of the Center for Algal Innovations, has been an academic collaborator locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. We are excited about expanding our role in support of the research-development-commercialization continuum and developing the future algal workforce. The Center for Algal Innovations provides the opportunity to:

  • Access the National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota for scientific and commercial innovation and related services.
  • Partner with the CAI Fabrication Lab scientists on research and development of new microalgal bioreactor designs and other related technologies.
  • Utilize space in our research greenhouse, on a fee-for-use basis.
  • Store your valuable biomaterials in our cryopreservation facility under a Private Collection arrangement.
  • Deposit your valuable biomaterials for patent process under the Budapest Treaty (NCMA is a WIPO approved IDA).
  • Gain training via professional short courses in microalgal culture at bench to pilot scale.