
Ocean forecasting map

Ocean forecasting is a collaborative venture. We engage with forecast users, data providers, algorithm developers, and other groups to build a community around each forecasting project.

We are always open to new forecasting projects or ideas, and we encourage you to reach out. Our team can be reached at


Nick Record

Nick Record is a computational oceanographer and founding director of the Tandy Center for Ocean Forecasting. Bio

Ben Tupper

Ben Tupper supports computational work at the Tandy Center by providing software tools for data access and analysis as well as training.

Camille Ross

Camille Ross is a research technician and UMaine Master's in Oceanography student interested in using computational oceanography to model the relationship between changing climate conditions and past, present, and future North Atlantic right whale habitat. LinkedIn

Johnathan Evanilla

Johnathan Evanilla iis developing an early warning system for fishery closure-level Paralytic Shellfish Poison toxicity levels along coastal Maine to assist shellfish growers and managers with decision making.

Kyle Oliveira

Kyle Oliveira works on evaluating eDNA as a method of detection for white sharks in the Gulf of Maine; then, using these potential detections, along with others from more traditional and crowd sourced methods, he plans to develop spatial models and forecasts to inform stakeholders on ideal conditions where white sharks may be.

Rene Francolini

Rene Francolini combines field work, lab work, and computational modeling to study how the kelp forests of the Gulf of Maine are responding to our changing climate and project what our coastline will look like in the future. Github

Turner Johnson

Turner Johnson works on ocean physics, modeling, and engineering on a variety of projects. LinkedIn

Jace Innis

Jace Innis is a marine science graduate working on leveraging big data and machine learning in order to better understand and predict phytoplankton's role in the marine ecosystem.

Kenny Douyon

Kenny Douyon is using data science and models to predict new locations where harmful algal species might show up as the environment changes.

Varshitha Uppula

Varshitha Uppula works on software application development using NodeJS, vue, and JavaScript to create web tools to visualize environmental DNA data. Linkedin, Github

Omi Johnson

Omi Johnson is a co-op student from Northeastern University, working on tools to model species distributions in year-2050 climate conditions. LinkedIn